At home test interstitial lung disease


An Interstitial Lung disease is a disease which involves the spongy portions of your lung which actually participate in gas exchange. These spongy elastic parts of the lung start becoming stiffer and harder and times thicker even. This leads to a difficulty in gas exchange and symptoms of breathlessness.This sign is
enough for at home test interstitial lung disease

Now, the cause of the ILD is important in deciding the course of the disease. An ILD can either have a cause which can be addressed or it can be Idiopathic. In case of Idiopathic ILDs the treatment focusses on the slowing down of disease progression. Whereas ILDs with a cause can be treated with the focus being on the treatment of the cause of the disease, which can even lead to halting or even reversal of the disease process at times.
Please note however that different ILDs and even the same ILD in two different individuals may present differently and may progress at different speeds and thus it is necessary to get evaluated by a Pulmonologist at the earliest.

Exercise for interstitial lung diseases

Basically you should begin by walking into a pulmonary specialists office and finding out for yourself what it is you actually have. After that, you’ll know that the scarring will never go away, pretty well the way you are now is the best it will be. There is one thing that’s important however – put the cigarette out and never have another, stop breathing in chemical dust.

After that, you have one, and only one, choice if you want to alter the outcome – and by that I mean prolong life, without a lung transplant it’s not going away any time soon.

Stand, naked from the waist up, in front of a mirror. Stick your fingers into the lowest bit of rib you can find. Watch those fingers go OUTWARDS as you breathe in. Never, ever see your shoulders go up and down – this uses more oxygen than it delivers, it’s called ‘apical breathing’ in case you’re wondering,

Repeat this method of breathing forever.

Treatment of Interstitial lung disease.

There is no treatment for ILD
Because:- Interstitial lung disease typically make the lung stiffer. This makes the lung harder to inflate and increases the work the chest muscles and diaphragm must do to take each breath. ILD also impairs the ease with which oxygen gets from the lung to the blood.
here are some ILDs of which progression can be stopped and patients life can be improved
Treatment options includes
1)antifibrotics in c/o IPF
3) immunosuppressive agents in c/o CTD ild
4) appropriate antibiotics in c/o sec infection
5) bronchodilator therapy in c/o reversibility on spirometry
6)long term oxygen therapy
7) vaccination for pneumococcal and influenza
8) exercises
9)smoking cessation

Please go to the Pulmonologist for Treatment of Interstitial lung disease.

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